Thursday, December 07, 2006


Silly String for Troops

There is a New Jersey woman who has started a campaign to raise money and silly string to send the troops in Iraq. You see, they use the silly string to detect trip wires. The military hasn't specifically said how they use it to prevent the insurgents to combat the technique...but they spray the string 10 feet in front of them and if it falls on the floor, no trip wires.


I thought this was great. Something we can all contribute to the war effort. Silly string!

This woman, Marcelle Shriver has a son in Iraq and this is how she found out about the use of silly string. So, she is heading a campaign along with her church to donate money and silly string to send to the troops over in Iraq. Now, because the silly string is in an aerosol can, you can't send it through the USPS. But, she found a pilot who is going to fly the string over to Iraq in January. She is also gathering names and addresses of soldiers that need the silly string so that the string can be sent to the right personnel.

So far, she has about 1,000 cans in her garage to send over. I think she'll get more than that. I'll be sending her some cans and money to help with costs.

If you want to donate too, send checks made out to Marcelle Shriver or silly string (send via UPS Ground or FedEx Ground) to:

St. Luke's Church
55 Warwick Road
Stratford, NJ 08084

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