Summer is finally here. This was our first trip out in the boat. Shea's digging the front of the boat now. She listens really well when the boat is going fast so that she doesn't fall out.
Plenty more boating trips to go, including Labor Day weekend, where we've rented a place on Coeur d'Alene for 6 days. Should be fun.

There was a cool 'rainbow-like' halo that appeared around noon on June 3rd, 2006. Was pretty cool. You can read more about these rare halos
here. I took these pictures after I ran into the house grabbing the camera.

The International Miyagi Chojun Festival in Niagara Falls was a blast. For a week, we competed, trained and did the touristy thing. We stayed at the Sheraton at the Falls and met people from around the world. It's great being at an event where you meet people from all walks of life and cultures and you all have one thing in common: Goju-Ryu.
Our dojo had two people compete in the International tournament. Levi (Pictured, far left) and Jennifer (Pictured, third from right). Both fought well, Jennifer got sick, so she got third by default in her division, even though she couldn't finish

competing. Levi was disqualified during his second round fighting. That's another story, but he fought well. The kids did well also. I can't remember their exact finishing, but I know they got first, second and third. But, the point is we all had fun.
Oh, I competed in the friendship part of the tournament and got second in my division. I did the kata Sepai. Official and full results of the tournament can be found online at the
IOGKF site.