Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Kumite Seminar - Tigard, OR

Sensei Nakamura
This past weekend (Feb. 24 - 26) was spent in Tigard, Oregon at Sensei Robert Ellis' dojo for a special Goju-Ryu Gasshuku. It was a sparring (Kumite) seminar taught by Sensei Nakamura. He is currently the Chief Instructor of Canada for the IOGKF and has won 2 world championships in kumite and one championship in Kata. (More about Sensei Nakamura).

It was a pretty good weekend. Learned some great new techniques for sparring and learned the rules for the upcoming Miyagi Chojun Festival World Championships. We learned how to referee matches (which are all in Japanese) and we got to kick some Jr. butt. On Sunday, all Nidans (2nd degree black belts) and up got to spar all the Jr's. Show 'em who's boss, right? Well, they beat us :)

Anyway, it was a great weekend. about 7 people from our dojo went down there to train, including Sensei. It's always good to train with a Chief Instructor, especially one of Sensei Nakamura's caliber. He's extremely quick and powerful. I sure wouldn't want to fight him.

On Sunday, 6 of us did a practice tournament (shown here). I lost, but held my own. Here is right before I swept the guy and took him to the ground. FYI: His name is Andy and he's representing the U.S. at the MCF Middle-Weight Sparring Team (The other person is Levi, from our dojo).

Sorry these are blurry (I'm the fat ass with the red belt. It's
just a belt to distinguish fighters in a match). I kept dropping the hands. But, in kumite, there is no face/head

contact, so I was trying to be sure to protect the body. I know, I shouldn't have done it.

OK, hands are up a little more on the next one. I remember Sensei coaching from the sidelines screaming, "Hands Up!" Funny, when you're out there, it seems like I am. Then, I look at the pictures & see what he was yelling about.

Well, anyway, it was fun. I'm looking forward to the Miyagi Chojun Martial Arts Festival from May 13th - May 18th. I've got my plane tickets and hotel reservation all set. Lots of training, seminars, history going on. I'll be competing in the Friendship Tournament on Saturday as well. Just Kata though, no sparring.

hehehe, man, need your own blog bad, don't you!

Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention that my leg was injured in the match, but was able to continue due to the 'rub hands' technique performed by big bird.
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